Meet the Team

Mr and Mrs Savage
AKA Grandad and Nanny Savage who started Savages in the late 1950's.

Richard and Emily Savage
The next two generations in the Savage family.

Poland Trip
Well done to Emily and Dave on successfully delivering humanitarian aid to Poland.

Newbury Soup Kitchen
We're so proud of our team member Tracy, and all her work and volunteering at Newbury Soup Kitchen.

Team Field Trip
The Savages Team on a field trip at Q Gardens, visiting the local farm that sources our fresh meat.

Product Research
You can take the boy out of Savages but you can't take Savages out of the boy... Richard testing the soil in Cyprus for next seasons Cyprus New Potatoes.

Thunderbirds 1 & 2!

Savages customer service... our minions are ready to help!

'The Charmer'
Watch out for this one! He's quite the charmer...

Designer Vegetables
Our new edition bringing style to the team - Miss Catwalk Carrot

Ice Bucket Challenge!

Delivery Team
Meet our friendly delivery and wholesale team lead by Jack, providing wholesale fruit & vegetables and floral arrangements for all your requirements.

Amsterdam Marathon
A huge congratulations to Richard and Georgie Savage for completing the Amsterdam Marathon and raising money for two amazing local charities: Style Acre and The Tony Loy Trust. However stairs may be a problem for the next few days...

Charlie the Cockerel
Our most famous and likable team member!

Team Farm Trip
A fantastic trip to Lacey's Family Farm to learn about their Guernsey cows and the quality of their milk, which they supply to Savages.

Savages Rounders Team!
Savages Rounders Team - A fun event against Style Acre set up in 2012. Savages is yet to win their first game...